Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our First Post

So here we are: Devin and Amy Smith
Aiden: 6
Jonathan: 4 1/2
Geneva: 2 1/2
Abigail: 1

I'll be 30 in 2 weeks. Devin and I will have been married 8 years in January. We have 4 kids. We've moved twice, graduated seminary, traveled overseas, and attended two churches.
As the Lord leads us through this journey, we are so thankful for our near and far family as well as for friends we've walked with along the way. Yet I have to confess that I am the world's worst keep-in-touch-er. I mean THE worst. This
blog is my attempt to stay better connected with all of you, who, though our attempt was well-meaning, have just failed to keep in touch with very well.

Also, I just HAD to show this picture to you. If you know Devin at all, you will apprectiate this. Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses to the church door in Wittenburg. Lego style. Happy belated Reformation Day!


Heidi Sexton said...

Welcome, my friends, to the world of blogging. And thank you for the quote in your second I sit and eat breakfast..getting ready to go worship. I'll look forward to reading more from you and being encouraged by you.

Ken, Silvia + Elias said...

Just a little correction: The town is called Wittenberg, not Wittenburg (the castle where Luther translated the Bible is called Wartburg):-)